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Tooth gems are a semi-permanent, safe way to bling up your smile without any permanent holes or marks. They are applied with a bondant. This is a similar process to braces, and is not painful or invasive. Tooth gems are removable at any point. Safe and sanitary tooth gems are performed by our piercers. 


Please call ahead to the location you wish to come in to to ensure

someone who does tooth gems is there when you'd like to come in.


Price List

  • $60 for a standard gem

  • $20 for each additional gem

  • $160 custom designs including flowers, cherries, spirals, smiley faces, etc. 

  • $120 outlined window tooth 


Do tooth gems hurt?

No! Tooth gems are not painful at all. They are applied to a clean tooth with a glue similar to that used for braces, that is completely safe for inside of your mouth. 

Are tooth gems permanent?

Nope! Tooth gems can be removed at any time, and are a great safe way to spice up your smile. 
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